Role in the Project:
Mission Statement:
VHS Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus , part of Wiener Volkshochschulen, offers qualified basic and continued education for adults within the 15 th district of Vienna/Austria. It is the task of VHS Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus to make education easily accessible to all people, irrespective of the personal income or life situation. We advocate an open and socially just society, so that all people can develop their potential fully and participate actively in society.
Moreover VHS Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus is positioning itself as a „Grätzel VHS“, which includes, that it is supporting people and initiatives out of the neighborhood, who want to improve life satisfaction (e.g. VHS provides rooms for meetings/events, helps these initiatives to get into contact with their neighborhood, with public authorities or other helpful institutions).
Contact Information:
Website: www.vhs.at/rudolfsheim
Email: [email protected]
Phone: AT: +43 1 89174 115000
Adress: Schwendergasse 41, 1150 Wien
Country: Austria